Vegan in Helsinki?
Veganism is not a new thing - there have been those "weird" families for a long time. And a long time in this context means since 80's. Since these days veganism has been considered pretty much as something what "weird people do" - from mainstream angle. You know, weird people like artists, musicians (and by musicians I don't mean those who release for Warner etc) - people who have their own mind and will. Those who are swimming sideways.
Even at schools until high school, where food is served free for students, there wasn't vegan food available. Also vegetarian food was a huge question mark, or there was vegetarian food but it wasn't nutritiously done. It had a bit of soy flakes, tomato, oil and salt. Voilá. And this was still going on beginning of 2010.
Something has happened: veganism and raw food culture has became popular pretty much all around the world. Including Finland - FINALLY! People are not turning vegan totally, but they are getting influenced by vegan cuisine. And this is when vegan food culture has started to rise in Helsinki! And it's looking good!
Still schools have problems with vegans because they are making food for many people at the same time and vegans are slowering their job, but it's about to change. I was lucky to be in a school where there were lot's of us "weird people" and our kitchen staff would always do us a different delicious meal. Pity my school doesn't excist anymore - it was one of the worst rated high schools in Finland. See, us "weird people" are not that competitive. We enjoy life differently.
In supermarkets there are more and more vegan products available, like vegan cheese. The best bargain you'll get suprisingly from S-market. Ekolo and Ruohonjuuri are shops specialized in such products. More conservative supermarkets are starting to have their share on vegan products as well. Also Finnish invention Nyhtökaura - pulled oats - has become a huge trend.
Vegan or vegan friendly restaurants in Helsinki:
University of Fine Arts/Aalto University's Kipsari
Thai and Vietnamese restaurants are also able to serve you vegan, just to remember to mention to make it without oyster sauce. Also many of Nepalese restaurants have portions in which you can switch paneer to tofu!
Hot tip!
Learn what products are vegan at super markets! You'll be surprised!