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Tämä sivusto on suunniteltu -verkkosivuston rakentajalla. Luo verkkosivustosi tänään.Aloita
Konepaja Bruno - a place for music, DIY, food and urban culture living room - might not last for long as unfortunately they want to rent the space for fucking Bauhaus. I can tell as a person who lives in Alppila, near Bruno, that we don't need a Bauhaus here!
Bauhaus will cause more traffic in near streets - no we don't want that. Also lots of young adults live in Alppila and Vallila, who rather go to Konepaja Bruno than Bauhaus. And during winters, there should be this kind of social places available for people. Social places that won't drive you use alcohol only. And this is one problem in Helsinki: there aren't much things to do for people so options usually are: getting drunk, staying at home and getting depressed, getting drunk - second that, going to gym. And repeat. There should be more this kind of big venues for people where you can work with your computer, catch up with friends for a coffee, listen to music, watch movies when there's a movie night...and there's plenty of more potential in this urban living room.
Just something what they decided to do with Lapinlahti Psychiatric Hospital, or what they have done in Tallinn - Telliskivi. Given the space for people!
This is again one truth about how urban culture struggles in Helsinki!
Learn more about Konepaja Bruno
EDIT: Konepaja Bruno won and it will stay in Alppila! But this story reminds how difficult it is to keep urban culture alive when we have capitalistic companies taking over everything with bigger amount of pennies in the pocket...

Bruno Konepaja in Alppila

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