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Meilahti villa area



In Meilahti you can find beautiful Villa's which were built late 1800's as Helsinkias summer villa area. Some of them are still owned by families - already 3rd generation is living in these villa's. 


From some of these villa's you'll find nice cafe's which are worth visiting - from the outside - the service has been probbaly ordered from the Soviet Union to these Villa's. One example is Villa Angelica which is getting lots of band reviews because of prices and service. But the area is peaceful, green and by the sea. It's very potential place to have a long walk in the summer.


If you fancy staying in one of these villa's it's possible. See this AirBnb link.




You will find us from 60°10′15″N 024°56′15″E

Our population is 626 305 (6/2015)

Charter 1550

Capital city since 1812 (thank you Universe it's not Turku anymore!)



Did you know I'm looking for companies to collaborate with Hidden Treasue Helsinki? contact me for further information.

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