Convenience food was invited for busy western lifestyle. It might not be the healthiest, but there's some serious cuisines to try out in this subject.
1. Roiskeläppä aka Saarioinen pizza is known especially people in their 30's as it was part of daily diet during younger age. It's easy to prepare and you can even eat it cold. It tastes like... salt. But keeps you full for the next 2 hours. And it's been always cheap. The most known is the minced meat pizza. Roiskeläppä represents pretty much economic depression in Finland in '92 to '93 with it's amount of cheese.
Convenience cuisine

2. Hernekeitto, hernari aka pea soup. This again is a cheap way to keep hunger away. From one bulk you'll get to eat about 2-3 times. Just add some water and finish it with mustard. It includes meat (pig) but also vegetarian versioins available. One bulk costs about 1€.

3. Casseroles. We have liver casserole, carrot casserole, meat-macaron casserole..everything casseroled. You just have to heat them up in owen and they're ready to go! Liver casserole has dried grapes, but there are also without if you don't like them. People are serious about their liver casseroles.
