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Tämä sivusto on suunniteltu -verkkosivuston rakentajalla. Luo verkkosivustosi tänään.Aloita
Makkispekkis can look like in the pohot above - or ingridients can be chopped in small pieces. The most important thing is that there's sausage and potato in it. Vegan or meaty.
This food is well wanted when we Finns suffer from our Sunday headache. Also it's a good food for daily life because making it is extremely cheap.
Cheapest version is to just buy freezed french fries and sausage. Mix them together and throw them in the owen for 20 minutes. Enjoy with ketchup. If you want to make it more gourmet, buy potatoes, boil them until they're soft, then chop them, chop some good quality sausage, add some thyme, black pepper, hint of salt, and finish with good quality oil (olive oil works fine). Then turn the whole mixture around some times that each piece gets their share from oil and put them in owen for 200°C for 15 minutes or so. Enjoy with ketchup. Ketchup is a must! Or mayo would work too. Both works perfecly.
If you want to make it vegan, just switch meat sausage to seitan or tofu sausage and there you go.

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