There are many swimming halls to go and relax. Great part about these are that each one of them has also a sauna.
One to go and try is Yrjönkadun Uimahalli which was ranked as one of the most beautiful swimming halls in the whole world! Architecture is not the only special thing - swimming naked is allowed in this swimming hall as well! Women and men have different turns.
During summer there are lido's which are highly popular especially among children. What's better than starting your day from a lido? Learn more here.
Also as Helsinki is surrounded by sea, there must be lot's of beaches. Well yes and no. There are beaches, especially in East Helsinki like Vuosaari area, but how about taking a boat to one of our islands? Pihlajasaari - can be packed but there are plenty of other islands. And some of the islands won't recquire a boat cruise like Mustikkamaa.
Pikkukoski is part of Vantaa river but this part is white-water. From Pikkukoski area you'll find beach as well as rocks for jumping to the river.
And we do have also a beach near the central as well. Hietaniemi beach is extremely popular during summers and worth visiting.
Two lido's worth checking out are Kumpulan maauimala and Uimastadion.
A healthy Finnish tradition is to dip your body in ice cold lake water during winter. Now there's also another way to experience winter from the water: it's Hirsi swimming pool in East Helsinki, in Rastila camping area to be precis. It has somewhat similarity with Japanese onsen, exept water is heated and a bit over 20°C. But the feeling might be something like being on a onsen. Also there's sauna. See more here.
During the winter you can go hardcore and try out ice swimming. It's very good for your circulation of blood. Also after that you run to sauna to heat up. What's better medicine for blood than this? Places for ice swimming are located here.
And end of summer 2016 there will be something brand new opening to central Helsinki: a floating swimming pool (Allas sea pool). You might have experienced this kind of pool in Berlin at Badechiff an der Arena. The whole Helsinki is excited of this, especially as water in very central Helsinki is not clean. Well, now there's a floating swimming pool where you can enjoy a view to Helsinki while swimming.
Sure, we have beach for naked sunbathers as well in Seurasaari and Pihlajasaari.
Merihaan mattolaituri is a great place for after parties. It's also a nice place to jump in to the sea during warm summer nights!