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Tämä sivusto on suunniteltu -verkkosivuston rakentajalla. Luo verkkosivustosi tänään.Aloita
Music - we love it!
There was just an article about how music heals mind and soul. Is it the bass or melodies, hard to tell. What is sure: going out and dancing makes people feel great! It's like medicine.
In a couple of years something has happened in Helsinki: the music scenery has started to bloom. Or to be more precis: it's the electornic music scenery that has just jumped in. And it's warmly welcomed. Lot's of Helsinkians young adults travel to Berlin. Some stay there, some just love the city. This influence is something you can feel. Helsinki is not Berlin and never can be, but obviously Berlin has effected people as anyone who travels there brings a part of this German capital town with him/her. It's food, lifestyle or music.
There are great clubs in Helsinki if you want to listen to house or techno. The best thing is to get away from the central. The heart for clubbing lands around Suvilahti where lot's of underground parties are held. The best part in UG parties is that as Finland is the land of laws, in UG parties are very relaxed about these. Sometimes police comes in and the party must stop, but nowadays often they let people party. And the best part is that the party continues until morning, when clubs close their doors at 4 am as at this time selling alcohol must stop, but dude, people want to party - dance!
Hot tip!
Some places to check out: Tiivistämö, Konepaja Bruno & Lapinlahden Lähde. There are also places where underground parties are held but they wont be underground if I wrote them here, but let's say that you will end up there...
See also Helsinki open airs

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