To start: that owen backed pancake on the photo looks pretty but it was actually a failure. It's too thin and dry. So never try to make a lighter version of anything. It won't taste good.
4 dl flour
1/3 dl sugar (or other sweetener)
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon backing soda
8 dl full milk
2 eggs
1/3 dl oil (sun flower)
Mix all together nicely. I like to use blender to make the mixture firm. Also it activates the egg a bit so it makes the dough nice and fluffy. Then just pour it in backing tray (which has backing paper on it) and place it in the owen. In this part owen must have been heated to 200°C. Bake it for half an hour.
And it's ready and it so good! Add some raspberry jam or even some cream. So easy, so unhealthy but so good!
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Owen backed pancake with sea buckthorn berry & maple syrup