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Rubber boots are a must in Finland. You use them in the forest, when it rains, muddy days. It's not embarrassing to wear these, actually they have become a strong part of everyone's shoe selection. Hai boots (in the photo) are extremely popular. You can get these rubber boots from department stores as well as bigger supermarkets.

Jussi shirt is something we all Finns probbaly remember our grandpa's wearing. It's an iconic wool shirt. You'll be able to spot these prom second hand shops easilly. If there are 5,5 million people living in Finland, there are probably 3 million Jussi shirts around. People have also started to develope the idea by knitting Jussi shirt inspired woolsocks and jackets for dogs.

These are Reino shoes. You'll find them in any size. Nowadays also in many different colors! 

This Karhu bag by Ponke's has been inspired by Karhu beer. You can get it from Ponke's shop in central Helsinki.



You will find us from 60°10′15″N 024°56′15″E

Our population is 626 305 (6/2015)

Charter 1550

Capital city since 1812 (thank you Universe it's not Turku anymore!)



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