Things no one will tell you
To sell snus in Finland is illegal, so how so many people use it? First of all, there might be people who don't know what snus is. It's moisture powder tobacco users put in their top lip. It was born in Sweden in 18th-century and is highly popular among people who do sports etc.
Even if it's illegal to buy many people use it in Finland. It's not illegal to use it, it's only illegal to sell it. This leads to trips to Sweden to buy snus. Everytime someone is heading to Stockholm by boat people ask them to buy snus. One package of 10 cost approx. 60€. There are cheaper versions like Odens which you might spot many people using. This is because it has the best covering for "retailer". Some people have made a business out of snus and they make trips to Swedish border town Haparanda to buy car full of cheap snus and selling them with double price in black market.
So it's almost like dealing drugs.
Drugs scene in Helsinki has grown a lot within a couple of years. It's more for party use in which people prefer cocaine, exctasy, amfetamin and MDMA. Horrible human melting trend for methamnetamine hasn't landed in Finland that strongly yet. But everybody knows that there are people using drugs much more nowadays. There are people with heroin addictions but less as nowadays they use more Subutex which is pretty much the same stuff but it's a medicine.
One problem is that doctors give people too easy mental medicine and people get hooked on those. Government supports prescription drugs so it's a win-win situation for pharmaceutical industry.
Cannabis is nowadays pretty acknowledged in Finland. The situation is slightly better is Helsinki bubble.