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Tämä sivusto on suunniteltu -verkkosivuston rakentajalla. Luo verkkosivustosi tänään.Aloita

Be aware!
Hey babe, I don't want to be negative, but still there are things in Helsinki that you need to pay slightly more attention for your own safety...
The thing is that you can trust us Finns usually. Still there are times that everything just gets skrewed up. Sometimes criminal leagues arrive in Helsinki and with that wave lot's of bicycles get missing. So remember to lock your bicycle well with a proper lock. These leagues seem to like Finnish Jopo bicycles and there must be somewhere (maybe in Russia) a town where everyone drive Jopo's.
Also in bars and clubs mobilepohones, laptops (even from DJ's!) and wallets get stolen all the time. So leave your belongings to cloakroom (though they are not resposnsible for them but at least looking after them!).
When traveling with public transportation be aware of ticket inspectors. They can be extremely mean. They don't have understanding. They're not human. So get your ticket or keep your eyes extremely open. If you run to tram and there are ticket inspectors, and you order your sms-ticket just when you are in tram, they can still give you a fine! This happened to me but I had a small argument with the guy and he let me free. I paid my ticket but he said I should have ordered it ouside and then enter - but if the tram is leaving and it's -30°C outside and next one comes after 15 minutes? No sense. So they can really be total w*nkers.
In bars and clubs still there are those people who poison your drinks. So keep your drink under your eye. Also be aware of your drunkness level - before Finns were taking 4 cl shots but now it's changing to 2 cl which is good. You don't want to pass out outside when it's -30°C! It's death!
I've been writing about the beauty of forests, but remember that we have one extremely poisonous snake living in there - common European Viper. I have never seen one in my life, but Finnish snake researcher said that once you see one - a thousand has seen you by that time. HELP.
Sarcasm. Finns love their sarcasm and it's not the first or last time that someone gets angry because not understanding it. Some say it's not funny at all - laughing at others is not funny for sure - but our sarcasm is based on that actually we're laughing at ourself and the situations especially in Finland. So don't get angry because it's not you - it's us!
And last and least the humorous but true: don't get too close to Finns. When we're drunk we like to hug strangers, but when we're sober - don't touch! Don't kiss! Just don't! This rule is also mentioned in diplomatics rule for Finns. So keep this on mind.

Don't ever get too close to Finns, see even benches are single in public
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