My living room

Home sweet home
Home is where your sofa is. You might be familiar with Scandinavian deisgn, but are our homes so symmetrical and minimalistic as Pinterest shows? Compared to other countries - yes - but we in Helsinki like it slightly more comfortable. Rents are expensive, though in 2013-2014 the rents just jumped up in the clouds. The sad part was that investors started to buy apartments and rise the prices with several thousands. And then the rents went up. That's pretty much what's happening in many cities, like Berlin where rent's have doubled in couple of years.
Sad story.
But behind every sad story there is always one good one. There are still people who own apartments but they don't want to make profit out of them. It's enough that someone lives in these apartments. They'll get the profit when they sell the apartment. That's nice. My apartment is fantastic example of this: I live in Alppila in a 50sqm apartment and I pay 850€ (inc. water). Yes 850€ is expensive, but then there's another opportunity to live in 750€ 25sqm apartment. Which one would you choose?
Back to my apartment: so it's a two room apartment with kitchen and bathroom. It's in 7th floor so the view is nice. It's throughout apartment and my bedroom is in east and livingroom points to west. I have always dreamed from big apartment and I'm happy that now I have one. My friends get often surprised about this apartment and how 160cm Esin lives in so huge apartment, but what's better that having a place for everything: make up spot, table for working (sewing etc),.. And I think that this apartment stays clean longer as things have their own place. With smaller apartments I just got furstrated because it was hard to organize those 20sqm space.
When I moved here, I sent my apartments owner a message "I'M SO HAPPY HERE!!", and that was true and still is after living here one year.
As rents have rised up, people have started to move in share apartments. I lived before this apartment in share apartment in Taka-Töölö. My room was 12sqm and the rent was 360€. Not bad. The most expensive apartments are one room studio apartments. Except before they were the cheapest: my first apartment was in Sörnäinen, it was 18sqm and the rent was 370€! That's impossible nowadays. My sister lived those times in Hakaniemi on 48sqm apartment for 560€. But times change and we have to accept that.

The view from my bedroom