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Architecture in Helsinki is an Australian band, but somewhere they have got their name from. Helsinki has survived quite good from the wars as most of the wars were based in East Finland and Lapland. Of course Helsinki got it's share too on the bombings, but mostly the houses are so well built that they stand like a stone. And we didn't get as hard bombings as in Hiroshima...
It's very good our capital survived so well, because older houses in central Helsinki are very beautifully made. The have small details and therefore I recommend you to look in the buildings sharply. Also if you have possibility sneak in from the houses gates to see the courtyard, it's worth to do. Usually the atmosphere there is different than in the streets.
One thing to see is also houses stairways. This area is pretty difficult to get in because you need a key to get in, but if someone let's you in then you'll get to see. If the door is open (like someone is moving or something) I recommend you to sneak in straight away! Just look like you are going home. People might get suspicious if you ask them to open the door for stairway and they will think you are going to rob them. If you tell them you just want to take photos, that might be ok. 
So why to stairways? Because they have very nice paintings and lightning there is interesting too. And the higher you go, you get to see surrounding houses from another view.
Good places to see old jugend style houses are in downtown Helsinki are e.g Kruununhaka, Ullanlinna and Eira
And downtown Kallio. Contrast wise you should visit soviet styled Merihaka  or romantic wooden house areas in Toukola, Kumpula, Puu-Vallila and Käpylä. Also buildings representing functinalism, which rised after wars and was highly used by one of the most known Finnish architects, Alvar Aalto, is good to spot around.

Due copyright law I'm not publishing any photos here. Law gives a 50 years shelter to photos. Those years have passed but I'm not sure how it goes in these photos as the website says the photos are leagal use for certain companies only. 


But here you'll find a perfect gallery for these old photos to get some reflection. 






Architecture in Helsinki




You will find us from 60°10′15″N 024°56′15″E

Our population is 626 305 (6/2015)

Charter 1550

Capital city since 1812 (thank you Universe it's not Turku anymore!)



Did you know I'm looking for companies to collaborate with Hidden Treasue Helsinki? contact me for further information.

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