If you skateboard, you must know some Finnish skateboarders. This hobby has been a savour for many youngsters from suburbs and smaller cities and towns around Finland. When I was younger there was a big bunch of skateboarding boys who became later world famous. When there's nothing much to do, you can always go skateboarding. This also helps for furstration, which can in some cases lead to anger and hate - just like it has happened in some parts of Finland.
During summer there are things to do for sure, but how about Autumn, Winter and well, parts of Spring when the ground is still wet while snow is melting? Especially when you're under 18-year-old? These boys I knew would go skateboarding in parking garage when there was snow or the ground was wet. This hobby has probably saved many souls - sure it has also killed some, just like a couple of years ago Helsinki based skateboarder died after collapsing with his board. There are risks, but mostly skateboarding has helped these boys from suburbs of Helsinki to get to know the real Dogtown and earn their living with doing what they love and makes them feel whole. And the most important: that furstration which can lead you to mental problems if you don't find a way to release it.
Also skateboarding is a thing you do with your friends as well as it's a great way to get to know others.
Helsinki city is also finally loving skateboarders and even in front of Musiikkitalo - Music house - it's legal to skateboard. Before police would have come. And there are plenty of other places to skateboard. And yes, I mentioned wet ground and snow, there are also inside skateboarding halls for these days and seasons as well!
There are several different spots, which makes skateboarding in Helsinki interesting.
- Kiasma ramp is located in front of Kiasma Museum of Fine Arts
Park's can be found from Arabia, Lauttasaari, Eiranranta (this one has also a nice sea view!) and Wamma park in Harju,
Suvilahti with a great urban surrounding and for smooth ride
In front of Musiikkitalo you'll find nice places to grind
Kluuvi shopping mall car garage (this is not legal but in the evening you can sneak in, no problem!)
Ääniwall on Fridays (and to be mentioned: you can also drink beer there because it's also a club)
And one rule: don't snake in front of others - wait for your turn.
Have fun!
Interested buying recycled skateboarding stuff? Join this group!
Skateboarding ramp in front of Kiasma