Merihaka is underestimated neghbourhood, just next to the Hakaniemi. Only one bridge separates Merihaka from Hakaniemi.
Why against?
Usually people don't like Merihaka because it's ugly and reminds people of Soviet Union. It's gray buildings are simply depressing. The architecture is not that suitable compared for other buildings near by, but at the same time Merihaka's architecture is expressing that 70's to 80's Finland.
But many people don't know how nice Merihaka is because they have never really dared to experience it. Ok, Helsinki is flat so we don't have high buildings. Merihaka has apartment buildings that have even 15 floors.
Merihaka was built between the 70s to the mid-80s. The apartments are big compared to those expensive 20sqm studio apartments near by neighbourhoods (smallest ones around 30m2 and biggest ones around 55m2 or even bigger). What makes these apartments nice to live is that the walls are so thick that you wont hear a thing from your neighbors. Also one priceless thing is the scenery Merihaka offers: you have a nice view to Helsinki from upper floors. Also most of the apartments have sea view which usually costs a fortune in Helsinki, but not in Merihaka. In Merihaka apartment with sea view costs slightly more, but not as much as in other areas in Helsinki. As Finland's geometrically location is north, we don't have light during winters (as you might know). This is when those flat apartments get dark and you have to live with your lamp on many months - yes, you know that yellow coloured light. But Merihaka has it: The higher your apartment is, more you get natural light in!
I lived in Merihaka in year 2009. I was sharing a 52m2 apartment with my friend. Our rent was (only) 700€ and our apartment was on the 10th floor. I still miss this apartment a lot and if I ever had +200 000€ I would buy an apartment from Merihaka. I even gave Merihaka a nickname: Merry haka.
On the top floor there's a sauna and a smoking area. Basically the higher your apartment is, the better the view is. There are 2 elevators, so this makes Merihaka different from Soviet Union, where they didn't have any elevators. And yes, you can find a soviet union map from one point in Merihaka.
Inspiring place
Finnish movie director Aki Kaurismäki has been using Merihaka in his movies. Mostly his movies are about working class people, and Merihaka was built for working class. So I see a cross point right there.